Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bottomless Chapter 2

"Bottomless, Eternal, Deeply Sublime.
Ageless, Fathomless, Forever Entwined.
Destiny calls, Your Fate you must Keep.

The Well of Remorse is Endlessly Deep.
Ageless, Fathomless, Forever Entwined.
Bottomless, Eternal, Deeply Sublime."

With those words my vision began to blur, spinning me into a vortex of confusion and chaos.

My world slipped away, and I was flung headlong into a maelstrom of uncertainty. Then everything went black.

I don't know how long I was out, only that I was stiff, cold, sore, and nauseated. I groaned, as I tried to open my eyes. I immediately closed them again.

This just couldn't be happening. When I couldn't stand not knowing where I was anymore I slitted my eyes open again. Yep, still the same. I was flat on my back staring up into what I guessed was the moons.

There were two of them, one in all it's full blown cosmic awesomeness, the other a sliver that seemed to be mocking my situation. Great! I thought to myself, now what? Looking around, I had the distinct impression that I was in for a rough ride.

Brushing myself off, I realized quickly that 'this wasn't Kansas anymore'. And I didn't even have the comfort of Toto. The landscape was muted and blurred as if underwater, and strange plants surrounded me. Definitely not Kansas.

In the near distance, I could make out a shape. At first I thought that maybe it was the local welcome wagon, but when it didn't approach me, I had to take another look. Did I really want to expose my presence here?

I could feel hunger clawing at my belly, and knew that soon I would have to take some action. Hesitantly I looked around. No food in sight, at least to my knowledge. How was I supposed to know what was safe, and what wasn't. I certainly didn't want to poison myself out of pure ignorance. Well, there was no hope for it, I had to get moving. If anything, sitting still was not in my nature.

As I walked, I began to take in more of my surroundings. It all seemed so foreign to me. Being the BMOC, this was a feeling I didn't like. Nothing seemed real. Or at least what I perceived as real.

Absently I put my hands into my pockets. Encountered a smooth round object, and flat. It only took a moment for me to register what it was. That damned coin.

Fortuitous my ass! That coin had brought me nothing but trouble from the moment I laid eyes on it.

That thought brought to mind the words the girl at the Library had spoken. What the hell was that all about anyways. Without hesitation I pulled the coin out, and was about to fling it from me in frustration, when I noticed it had begun to glow.

It was warmer than before, and pulsing slightly. Almost as if this coin was an entity in and of itself. "What now?", I questioned aloud. I should have been repulsed by this thing, but it kept drawing my interest as nothing else ever had.

Finding myself contemplating this oddity yet again distracted me from how far I had travelled, and soon I found myself at my intended destination. What I had thought was a welcome wagon ended up being a small hut. Complete with a well.

And man was I thirsty! Water was water right? I peeked inside the well and found a bucket, lowered it and pulled it back up. I drank deeply and quenched my thirst. It was the most delicious water I had ever tasted. Fresh, cool and clear, perfect!

Next to take care of my hunger. So I knocked on the door to the hut. It swung open under the pressure of my fist, so I cautiously entered. At first glance I could tell that this place was rarely used. It contained a wood burning stove, a bed, and a table.

The term slim pickings crossed my mind, but I persevered and hoped to come across something marked as edible. Let me tell you right now, I had always been a picky eater, but right now I could eat a horse!

As a sudden wave of nausea clenched my innards, light flashed outside. I fell to my knees fighting to keep what little was left of my lunch. When the feeling passed, I shakily stood, and then went to investigate the flash of light.

Stepping out of the shack, I looked around, only to find my gaze riveted upon the form of a horse. "What now?" I yelled. I didn't understand what was going on, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Hungry, tired, dirty and disgusted, I found myself a roomate to this animal. I hadn't meant that literally. But here it was, calmly looking at me as if I were something that had crawled out from under a rock. Hope it didn't want to eat me.

I went back inside on the off chance that it might and looked around again. No cupboards, no fridge, nothing. Sighing, I gave up on food and decided to just go to sleep. It was warm enough that I didn't need a fire, thankfully, So I shucked off my clothes and crawled in. It wasn't long before I crashed.

I awoke to the most wonderful scent in the air. I had been dreaming of a nice, big, tall stack of blueberry pancakes, and I swear that's what it smelled like. I figured it was just me lingering on the edge of sleep combined with my ever growing hunger, but when I opened my eyes there they were.

Steaming and real. I reached for my clothes, but didn't feel them. I didn't think anything about that, I was so hungry, So I stumbled my way across the room and fell on the food, devouring it all very quickly. I wasn't about to question this good fortune, nor was I about to let it get away!

As I pushed the now empty plate away from me, I noticed a draft, aft, and remembered my state of undress. This place sure did leave a lot to be desired. I looked at the spot where my clothes should have been, not seeing even my skivvies. I got up and made a quick search of the entire premises, even going so far as to peek outside to make sure that beast wasn't munching on them, but no go.

My clothes were gone! Thinking to myself this was such a great way to start my day, I grabbed the only covering I could find, draped it around my person, and made my way outside. To my utter embarrassment, I realized I wasn't alone. And neither was the horse.

Now where did she come from? She wasn't there a moment ago! Hearing the door squeak had alerted her to my presence, and she turned to face me. So, of course, the first thing I did was make a complete ass out of myself.

I started rushing forward, only to trip over the trailing edge of the blanket, which naturally came unwrapped, falling off, and exposing me in my altogether. She merely appraised me, and raised an eyebrow in my direction. So much for first impressions. Then she spoke.

"So you're the new Champion of Time. Well, there's no help for it now, come with me." With that, she started heading off down the path that I had yet to explore.

" Woah! Hold up there a minute, lady, I ain't going anywhere without my clothes! Much less without some sort of explanation as to what the hell is going on!"

I was starting to get a wee bit ticked off. Being nude wasn't helping me any. I needed a moment to think of how to handle this, but I wasn't being given even a chance to think, or a choice.

Wishing desperately that I had some sort of clothing, I opened my mouth to give her a piece of my mind, when that mysterious light flashed, and I was assailed with that extremely debilitating nausea.

I grabbed at my stomach, feeling it begin to heave, but this time I wasn't so lucky. I spewed my breakfast on the ground in front of me. Feeling very disgusted with myself, I wondered what was wrong with me. As the last of the gut clenching nausea subsided, I wiped my face,and made my way over to the well.

I pulled up some more water and rinsed out my mouth thoroughly, then drank deeply again. I didn't care if she was still walking away or not at this point, But when I turned around again, she was calmly watching me. She didn't say anything, but this time, when she gave me the once over, I got the distinct impression she was amused.

Looking anywhere but at her, I finally saw the bundle of material that was laying on the ground where I had been standing. Ok, how did that happen?

But being the opportunist I am, I stalked over to the bundle and picked it up.

Great! Tights! Just what I had in mind. Complete with a pair of shoes. Hoping they were my size, I put them on figuring it was better than nothing.

"I see you have discovered the very first lesson of of the Well" she stated. I just tossed her a disgusted look." There is much to be learned, and very little time to learn it in. You must come with me. Now." And she turned away, making her way up the path again. The way I see it, she was really a rude person, but 'when in Rome'.

So I followed her. Hearing a soft nicker behind me, I looked and saw that the horse was following. What the heck, the more the merrier.

"So what exactly IS this place, and why did you call me The Champion of Time? What is that supposed to mean?

Where are you taking me? And what is the Well, much less it's first lesson?" My mouth just kept going a million miles an hour, but all she said was that I would know soon enough, it wasn't for her to tell me. That shut me up. Kinda glad it did. But it pissed me off even more. Sulking I almost turned back, but I wanted answers.

It wasn't long before we reached our destination. It was a little village, very poor from the looks, and not very welcoming. The local natives all came out and stared at me, but I stared right back, wasn't about to let them intimidate me.

I was led to a central hut, and ushered inside. I glanced behind me, and yep, the horse was still there, but now the villagers were staring at it. Well, at least it had made itself useful, might actually have to figure out what to feed it now.

"Father," I heard the girl say,"I have returned with the Champion, just as you bade of me." Okay, that was definitely humor in her voice, no mistaking it this time. I was feeling a bit insulted now.

"Do you have the coin?" Simple enough of a question, I couldn't seem to get rid of the damned thing. But as I searched myself, it dawned on me that I had left it in my pocket. The jeans I had been wearing. The ones that had disappeared.

"Quickly, give it to me, we have need of it now. There's no time to waste!" Holding out his hand impatiently for it, I could only pat myself down in confusion.

All this time that thing had hounded me with every breath I took, and now when it was needed most, it was nowhere to be found. Apparently it had a will of it's own. "I don't seem to have it, sir." I nervously stated.

To be continued...


S@n July 16, 2008 at 7:58 PM  

You already know how much I love your writing Melissa!

I have read this story a lot of times now, lol but I never get tired of it and every time I re read it, it keeps me hook to my sit... lol

It's a pleasure to add pictures to this story, but it definitely doesn't need pictures at all!

Beautiful engrossing writing like always!! :D

chardonnay July 16, 2008 at 8:07 PM  

Ahhhh Sandy..This time your pictures captured the humor in this adventure oh so well.

I have been giggling so much over this chapter. Oh the indignities our poor man has to suffer through.

Heh heh heh!!!

But what better way to build character. If you'll pardon the pun.
(Insert evil smiley here)

I was reading this one to my niece. And she was enjoying the first chapter ansd I offered to go ahead and read her the rest of the story. But she said she wanted to wait for the pictures.

So I read her this second part,and at the end all she could say was that she ought to hit me.

When I finally stopped laughing, I asked her why. And she said because the story keeps stopping Just as it gets really good

I guess that is one heck of a compliment!!

S@n July 16, 2008 at 8:10 PM  

LOL... that's the trick to get the readers to come back again!! :D lol

Our guy, he is a great actor!!! :D lol

He is definitely frustrated by the whole situation and it shows in his face, lol !! Wonderful actor!!! :D

Damon July 16, 2008 at 8:17 PM  

Very nice! :D
Sandy, I just LOVE you pictures they have every bit of detail the the text of the story is saying, very good! :D
Chardonnay, I LOVE your writing, it puts detail, and go to the characters point of view! Very good! :D
I can't wait until the next chapter guys, keep up the good work guys! :D

S@n July 16, 2008 at 8:19 PM  

Glad you decided to read now Damon!!!!

LOL I'm glad you liked the pictures!! :D


And agree Melissa's writing is wonderful!

chardonnay July 16, 2008 at 8:38 PM  

I was surprised to see so many comments already!!

I am glad you enjoyed it so much Damon!! Thanks for readingit so soon!!

Sandy really does capture the details well in pictures doesn't she??

thewynd July 16, 2008 at 11:34 PM  

Poor guy...he really has no idea what's going on and he is trying to be so cool.

I laughed out loud at the fact he didn't have his precious coin after all that. But I am very curious as to where it went!

Wonderful writing and the images were a perfect match to the writing. You guys did a great job.

Glad to see you back Melissa. Keep up the great work.

chardonnay July 17, 2008 at 9:38 AM  

Thanks Gayl!!!

Yeah, that sneaky, naughty little coin! I wonder where it went too! Someone ought to smack it around and put it in a cage or something...LOL!!! But they need to catch it first! heh heh heh!!!

Sandy did and awesome job portraying his frustrations with this coin, didn't she..LOL!!

I am glad you enjoyed this part too! Stay tuned! Same coin time, same coin channel!

Astral Faery July 17, 2008 at 8:28 PM  

Fabulous, you two! Another great installment. I really like how the lady is so amused by the new champion - who is awkward, and not very champion-like - at least, not yet. Beautiful, beautiful pictures, captivating storyline. Can't wait to read more.

Colliegirl July 19, 2008 at 8:29 AM  

This was great, Melissa! It was packed with mystery, humor, details, expression, great writing, and some delightful scenic pictures(wink).

Looks like our gorgeous hunk has really fallen into some deep water! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Marvelous story! :D

chardonnay July 19, 2008 at 11:05 AM  

Thanks Ariana: I am glasd you enjoyed part 2. He is rather a reluctant hero isn't he.Maybe he shouldn't havedeclared he had the world in the palm of his hand huh!!!! Hehe heh heh!!!! Maybe he'll learn yet...LOL!!

Thanks Tammy: Yes the scenery did reflect the humor very well indeed didn't it!! And almost matched the pictures in my mind when I was writing it...LOL!! Believe it or not..Sandy and I didn't discuss this part of it. I trust Sandy that much to illustrate the story. And she really does come thru. It's almost as if she's in my mind while I am writing it...LOL!

S.B. July 22, 2008 at 11:28 AM  

really interesting -- sort of "Lost" except somewhere with virtually no exit! wonderful writing -- poor guy he sure is going through a lot!

and the shots were gorgeous and enhanced the unreal feeling of the piece.

great job both of you!!!

chardonnay July 22, 2008 at 2:00 PM  

Thanks Beth. You know, I have never watched "Lost". But I guess you are right in a way, from what I have heard. LOL!

Poor guy, indeed!!! I have never had so much fun laughing at someone elses misfortunes!!! Especially, since I dreamed them up!!! LOL!!

Glad you enjoyed this part!!

And yes, Sandy once again, brought my words to life with her magic camera....LOL!!!

Leah August 28, 2008 at 4:29 PM  


He's quite the champion, your Tyson, Melissa. I can't stop laughing at his bad luck and awkwardness.

But it has to be said, he looks great in the blanket, in his altogether AND in his tights. Ho wmany guys coudl pull that off?

Gorgeous pics, too, Sandra.
You two are a great team!

chardonnay August 29, 2008 at 6:28 AM  

Awkwardness, eh. Just wait. LOL!!!
I am glad you are enjoying his misfortunes. The guy just can't seem to pull himself together.

Might have something to do with being uprooted and transplanted just anywhere.

Might not.

Heh heh heh !!!!!!

And funny, I don't remember mentioning his name...LOL!!!

Anonymous September 15, 2008 at 8:04 AM  

My dear Melissa, this chapter was hilarious! LOL! I loved all the 'indignities' he suffered, lol! :D It is getting very interesting, love your wit and sense of humor my friend! :wub:

Sandy your pics are awesome! Love the rippling effect! :rah: :wub:

chardonnay September 18, 2008 at 10:58 PM  

My dear Zayury,

If you think you were amused...just picture the smirk on my face everytime I thought of something else to do to him.!!!!!

About Me

My photo
Hi! My name is Melissa. And I am a Domestic Dictator. I rule my household with determination and sheer grit. And if you believe that, then I've got a bridge to sell you. Somewhere. And if you give me enough time, I'll figure out where. If I had to really describe myself, then I am at a loss for words. But I shall try. I would say I am a very creative person, with a sometimes big mouth, and a quick, and weird sense of humor. I like to write. I have written poetry, and stories. Some of these stories are based on the Sims2 Game.

About This Story...

The story that almost wasnt

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Writing @ Melissa
Pictures @ Sandra

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