Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bottomless chapter 3

"Do you have the coin?" Simple enough of a question, I couldn't seem to get rid of the damned thing. But as I searched myself, it dawned on me that I had left it in my pocket. The jeans I had been wearing. The ones that had disappeared.

"Quickly, give it to me, we have need of it now. There's no time to waste!" Holding out his hand impatiently for it, I could only pat myself down in confusion.

All this time that thing had hounded me with every breath I took, and now when it was needed most, it was nowhere to be found. Apparently it had a will of it's own. "I don't seem to have it, sir." I nervously stated.

"That's impossible," he snorted, "you would not be here now if you didn't have the coin! You cannot prevent the disruption of Time without it!" Now that didn't sound good, and I wished that I had that coin in my sweaty little palm.

No sooner than that thought had flown through my head, then that now familiar sensation gripped me again. As I clenched my teeth in frustration, I heard the words,"Here we go again, grab the bucket, QUICK!" but I managed to choke down the bile that seemed to be ever present upon my arrival here.

The flash of light almost ignited the room it was so bright, and as it faded leaving behind spots in my vision, I felt the object of my desire firmly gripped in my hand. Still reeling from the sensations that assailed me, I shakily handed it over to him. I should have thrown it, but I wasn't very steady at the moment.

Taking the coin from me, he grabbed my arm and rushed me out the door. Muttering something under his breath that I couldn't quite make out, I began to get angry. Very angry. But before I could say anything to him, he spun me around toward the center of the village.

Now I noticed that the horse had been fed, and groomed. It also had a saddle and bridle. Without releasing me, he marched me over to that creature, and ordered me to mount. I balked at that, no way in hell was I getting on that thing! With the way it looked at me in return, I am pretty sure we were in agreement.

The old man began rubbing the coin and muttering under his breath again, and then that flash of light. Only this time I didn't feel sick. The next thing I knew I was on that horse. Not really clear how I got there either. But the old man looked pale and shaken.

Another whisper, another flash of light and he was holding a sword. Taking the coin he placed it into the rounded groove on the blade.Then held it out to me, saying:

"Blade of Truth, Sword of Might, Call upon the Ancient Rite.
Blessed Tears, continue to weep, Bottomless Source of Wisdom Deep.
The Powers Ancient that hath Prevailed, To seal the Rift of Time Derailed.
Guide Us now, Our Hearts are Pure, With Lightning swift, and Aim that's Sure.
Call upon the Ancient Rite, Blade of Truth, Sword of Might."

The last thing I saw was the girl rushing to her father, crying out, but that was no longer my concern. A strange feeling engulfed me. I felt all powerful. Nothing could stop me.

And I kicked the horse into motion. Galloping away from the village I had no idea where I was going, only that I would be there when I was needed. Urgency shot through my veins like ice water, and nothing else mattered. Without thought I placed the sword in the scabbard at my side and leaned into the horse. It seemed like we flew over the ground. Speed was of the utmost importance.

Up ahead I saw a horrible sight. It looked as if a hole had been literally ripped into the very fabric of Life. It was glaringly obvious that this was where I was supposed to be.

Not that I knew what I was going to do about it. I noticed that the closer we got to it, the more it seemed to pull us into it. And for the first time in my life, I felt fear. For between me and the Disruption of Time, Pure Evil was standing in the way.

I wish I could describe it to you, but there are no words for what I was witnessing. I wanted to slow down and not rush headlong into certain death, but that feeling overwhelmed me, and in horror I heard my voice bellowing out in challenge.

Everything happened in a blur of motion so quick that my brain couldn't process anything more than the thought of 'what the hell?' I distinctly remember pulling the sword and rushing at that thing. I felt the impact of the blade as it hit.

Then everything went white. There was blinding light all about me, and I felt as if something took over my body.

When I came back to myself, I was covered in sweat and gore. But that thing was gone, and the rift was sealed. I was breathing heavily, and I hurt.

Searing pain throughout my entire body. I fell to the ground and curled into a fetal ball. I couldn't do anything else. For the first time in my life I prayed. I don't know to What or to Whom. I just prayed. Almost wordlessly, just putting it all into emotions that I was unable to express.

Then I felt as if someone laid a cool, comforting hand upon my head, and the pain seemed to melt away. I was swathed in an intensely powerful coccoon of unwarrented, unconditional love. I found myself weeping at this beautiful sensation. I didn't even resist the whisper that touched my mind, telling me that everything would be alright. That I had done well.

I managed to open my eyes a little, but all I could see was the figure of a woman, kneeling at my side, bathed in all the colors of a rainbow. Then I slept.

When I awoke, the first thing I noticed was that I was alone, except for the horse. It stood a little way off with it's head hanging, looking about like I felt. The intense pain was gone, but I felt as if I had been run over by a steam roller.

Standing, which was once a very simple task, now took everything I had in me to accomplish. But somehow, I managed. I even got back up on the horse. Still so tired I could barely see, I gave the horse it's head and slumped over the horses neck, trusting it to get me back to the village.

Images in my mind kept trying to surface, but I couldn't make sense of most of them. Only one thing stood out clear in the chaos of my thoughts. The woman, and how I had felt for those few brief moments.

I felt tears slipping down my face at that memory, I didn't even bother to wipe them off.
Soon enough we arrived back at the village. Good horse. Knows where the food and shelter were kept.

As I lifted my head and opened my eyes, I couldn't miss the torm emotions playing on the faces of the villagers. Both elation at my victory over evil, and something else. Grief? Now why would they be grieving?

Then I saw the preparations of a pyre and the body of the old man laid out on top. All of his material possessions laid around him. His daughter emerged from their hut, and I could see that she had been weeping. Hard. Sliding off the horses back, I made my way slowly over to her. The question in my eyes didn't need to be voiced.

Taking a deep calming breath she answered. "When Father cast the Ancient Rite for you, it required a sacrifice. There was not time for a proper ceremonial ritual, and so he paid the price. For You, and for All of The People in Time.

Do not not be disheartened, he paid the price willingly and without reserve. Just as you answered the Calling of the Champion of Time.

" I just stared at her, probably looking as miserable as I felt. This would weigh heavily on my soul forever. I felt so worthless at that moment.

Some of the village women led me to a stream where I could clean myself, then I attended the lighting of the pyre for the old man.

Afterwards we ate. A feast worthy of a Champion. These people had so little and yet gave so freely.

I was ashamed to be in there presence.

As the evening wore on, I noticed the quality of the atmosphere was clearer, and no longer looked as if it were under water.

The moons were both out full in all their glory. The stars were shining so brightly I could almost reach out and catch the beams of light in a cup.

Breathtakingly entrancing. I almost drifted off to sleep just laying there looking at the heavens.

But as all good things must, it came to an end. I felt the unconditional love spilling all around me, and saw the woman, bathed in the rainbow standing before me, and softy she spoke.

" Bottomless, Eternal, Deeply Sublime.
Ageless, Fathomless, Forever Entwined.
Destiny calls, Your Fate you must Keep.
The Well of Remorse is Endlessly Deep.
Ageless, Fathomless, Forever Entwined.
Bottomless, Eternal, Deeply Sublime."

I was home. And now that I have recounted this story to you, I sit back and think only truth can be stranger than fiction. It took me a long time to come to this realization. I am recording this here in my journal for posteritys' sake, so that it will always be fresh in my mind, and close to my heart.

If you doubt my story, as I am sure you will, for I still do, I will pull out the coin, and the sword and show them to you. I look at them everyday, and remember, that everything has a price, and only Unconditional Love is Free.

The end.... (or is it?)


chardonnay July 27, 2008 at 1:17 PM  

OMG!!! Sandy..I am in Tears!!!!

I can't believe all the goosebump that kept bumping up on me..and that I have been moved so much by this last chapter.

And I wrote it. I can't believe I wrote it!!! It really does have the Goosebump Factor!!!

But the pictures are so magnificent!!! And have been throughout the entire story!!

S@n July 27, 2008 at 1:37 PM  

I was happy to help you Melissa... hopefully you would be able to read this message without you leave your sister's house:D lol

it is always a pleasure to help you with your stories, I really have fun taking the pictures, it is not as hard as writing :D lol

:D well after 6 months we are finally done with it!! or are we? lol lol

Come back soon! :D

I'm glad you liked the pictures :D lol I had fun creating all the special effects, I learned a lot photoshop :D lol lol

Anonymous July 27, 2008 at 1:39 PM  

amazing story. the ending was such a surprise. I loved it. The photos were amazing and I love the entire story. Well done to both of you.
(you don't know me, I have my own blog with my friend where we write stories too. you can check it out, but it's nowhere near as good.)

S@n July 27, 2008 at 1:43 PM  

Thank you Sabsab5421....
I will check your blog when I can :D
I'm glad you enjoyed the story, Melissa sure is one of the best story tellers :D lol but what can I say ? I'm her #1 fan! :D lol

Thanks for the compliment on my pictures too! :D

S.B. July 27, 2008 at 2:14 PM  

I'm speechless! I thought at one point he was going to ride off into King Arthur's Camelot, which I guess could have happened if he was messing about with time.

And what about the blonde princess/fairy girl?

really beautiful shots that perfectly capture a unique and beautifully written tale!

thewynd July 27, 2008 at 3:28 PM  

You two did an amazing job with this story. Melissa, the tale itself was wonderfully descriptive and enchanting. Sandy your images and special effects were the icing on the cake.

A real treat. I hope you both continue to work together like this.

Damon July 27, 2008 at 8:57 PM  

This was an AMAZING story! :D
Chardonnay the writing was so detailed and I really loved it! :D
Sandy you helped chardonnay's story look good with the details you added in the pictures and I loved that too! :D
This was a good story and I can't wait what you two come up with next time! :D

venusdemilo July 28, 2008 at 12:41 PM  

Another lovely installment. The details are just so lifelike and incredible! Of course, it helps to have good writing too.

S@n July 28, 2008 at 2:42 PM  

Thank you Beth...

Melissa will be without internet for awhile, so I thank you in her name too :D lol

Don't be surprised if next time we see this young man is next to King Arthur :D lol everything is possible now...

The girl, she is the one we saw in chapter first.... only back then she was looking more like a human just so she wouldn't look out of place :D

When Melissa comes back, maybe she can tell us more about her... I don't think that would be the last time our hero sees her either :D

She seems to be conected with the coin and time...

S@n July 28, 2008 at 2:44 PM  

Thank you Gayl, I'm sure Mellisa will be very happy to read your comment... I'm glad you liked the pictures too! :D

If everything goes right, I will continue to help Melissa with her stories...

Thank you again!

S@n July 28, 2008 at 2:45 PM  

Thank you Damon... Melissa will be happy to read your comment when she comes back! :D
I'm glad you liked the pictures :D
Thanks for commenting!

S@n July 28, 2008 at 2:45 PM  

Thank you Venus, I'm glad you enjoyed this story... :D Melissa's writing is incredible :D lol I loved it too!!

Astral Faery July 28, 2008 at 4:34 PM  

Now there's a good idea for a story - the champion has missions from the lady and the coin often, each one placed in a different time or a different world...I wonder if that's what you guys are up to. I hope so! That would be way awesome. Because I sure would hate to see this story end for good, it's too gripping for that. I'm just now starting to attach to the hero and sad that his tale is already over. Neat story!

Sandy - OMG your pictures are just stunning beyond words. They blow me away. I'm so envious of your talent and wish I had the time/patience to put into pictures. Beautiful, beautiful job!

I hope you two team up again, soon. Great work!

Colliegirl July 30, 2008 at 9:39 AM  

That was totally awesome!

I love a guy in armor! Our hero looked really impressive, especially up on his horse! My favorite shot was his profile from the backside! LOL! And then, the other, with him comfronting the evil creature with his sword in hand. That was marvelous!

And what was that thing?!!! And are there more of them?!!!

The pictures were allfabulous! I loved how you added the special effects! The lady of light was beautiful! I wondered whether she was the same girl.

I hope he has another adventure... soon... after all, he's a hero of time now. I'm sure there's lots for him to do out there! And he still has the coin, doesn't he? That must mean something... This was a great idea for a story!

S@n July 30, 2008 at 12:38 PM  

Thank you Ariana! I'm glad you liked the pictures! :D I had fun creating the special effects! :D

LOL I'm glad you liked the hero... maybe we will see him again... I don't want to spoil the fun, but you are right in some of your points :D lol

Thank you again for reading and commenting, we really appreciate it!

S@n July 30, 2008 at 12:41 PM  

Doesn't he look so handsome in his armor? lol we spent days searching for an armor!!! I'm glad you liked him!! :D

:D I would love to answer your questions Tammy but I will let Melissa answer them, lol I'm not sure yet... lol maybe Melissa will tell us if there are more evil creature around...I hope there are... lol then we will see our hero in his armor again! :D lol

I'm glad you like the pictures! He still has the coin his sword...

thank you again! :D

cheripye July 30, 2008 at 7:32 PM  

Beautiful screenshots, great photoshop work, and excellent writing. I enjoyed this story immensly. It is very intriquing.

S@n July 31, 2008 at 8:56 PM  

Thank you Cheripye for reading! I'm glad you liked the story... Melissa is a great writer, I had fun with the pictures :D
thanks again for reading and commenting! We really appreciate it!

chardonnay August 1, 2008 at 10:16 AM  

Wow!!! I am amazed at the response to my story! Not so amazed at the response to Sandys pictures...LOL!!!

AS ALWAYS... I am humbled by Sandy's talent. She does an incredible job,and comes up with the most marvelous ways to portray my ideas. I have to admit, I am tempted to write even more challenging scenarios just to see what she can come up with...LOL!!!

But what a lot of you don't realize, is that other than a bare description of what I think is important, after writing it, I leave it all in Sandy's more than capable hands.
She then decides where to break it down, and what needs to be done first. Then if she doen't already have it, I create it in my game and send it. Sims, and lots. We coordinate everything. Then go CC hunting together...poor email servers...LOL!!!

If she didn't take the time to do this....I would be so lost.
Once we are satisfied of that we have almost everything, it's game on. Then Sandy works her magic. And withthe exception of a few pics that I take upon occasion, I don't even sethe finished product, until right before you do.

So don't let Sandy fool youinot thiking she doesn't do much more than taking ther pic, and editing them.

I'm just the writer, and builder, somtimes creator. She's the rest of the team!

chardonnay August 1, 2008 at 10:29 AM  

I came back to so many comments that I wont thank each of you personally. As much as I'd like too, I don't wanna flood the comment section..LOL!! So to my steady readers..Thank you so much and I am so glad you enjoyed this chapter too!!! Your comments mean so much to me! I really appreciate you taking time to read my story and leaving your thoughts.

Now I was surprised to see I have two new readers.

sabsab5431...Thank you for reading. I am always delighted by new readers. It doesn't happen very much. I am grateful that you foind your way here, no mater how you did. I am glad you enjoyed our team effort! Please come back again, and I will definitely check out your blog when I can!!

cheripye...I was even more surprised to see I had a second new reader!!! I also extend my thanks to you for coming here and reading my story. I am glad you enjoyed our work also. Please come see us again!

Now for all of you....stay tuned...same coin time. Same coin channel....LOLOL!!!!

S@n August 1, 2008 at 12:45 PM  

I'm glad you are back Melissa! :D
Thank you, thank you... but you do the hard part in here...

I'm just the photographer :D lol and director!!! LOL LOL ... well yes... I do all that stuff Melissa said... lolb but I greatly enjoy it... taking pictures is always easier than writing fantasy at least for me...

It is great to work with you Melissa, I really admire your talent as a writer :D lol and as a person too! :P

So keep on working and let see where this story goes :D lol take your time... no hurry, I need to do some things for my stories too :D lol

scarlet_white August 21, 2008 at 9:48 PM  

Very cool Sandra and Melissa, a great collaborative job as always

Leah August 28, 2008 at 4:53 PM  

Well, all I can think of to say right now (cause you girls really knocked me off my seat again), is I hope this isn't really the end.

chardonnay August 29, 2008 at 6:34 AM  

Thanks again, Leah!!

And just a friendly litle warning, I intend to KEEP knocking you off your seat!!!!


Anonymous September 18, 2008 at 8:33 AM  

My dear Melissa, this was a very BEAUTIFUL story! I LOVE your poetic and mystical writing my friend! Your writing and Sandy's pictures are MAGICAL! :rah: :wub:

chardonnay September 18, 2008 at 11:06 PM  

Thank you once again Zayury!!

I am so glad you really enjoyed our work!!!

Magical..meh...just myu overactive imagination going into overdrive that's all!!!

Just wait til you see what I have cooked up for him now!!!!


About Me

My photo
Hi! My name is Melissa. And I am a Domestic Dictator. I rule my household with determination and sheer grit. And if you believe that, then I've got a bridge to sell you. Somewhere. And if you give me enough time, I'll figure out where. If I had to really describe myself, then I am at a loss for words. But I shall try. I would say I am a very creative person, with a sometimes big mouth, and a quick, and weird sense of humor. I like to write. I have written poetry, and stories. Some of these stories are based on the Sims2 Game.

About This Story...

The story that almost wasnt

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Writing @ Melissa
Pictures @ Sandra

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